Wednesday, August 27, 2008

8/23 Carmel and Monterey

On Saturday, we drove down to the Carmel and Monterey area. We started out doing the 17-mile drive along the Carmel coast, where we saw Pebble Beach and the Lone Cypress. Next, we headed to downtown Carmel where we had lunch at Merlot and walked around Ocean Avenue. Before leaving for Monterey, we stopped in briefly at the Carmel Mission to take a few photographs but had to leave quickly because there were back-to-back weddings going on in the basilica.

On the way back home, we stopped off in Monterey and walked around Cannery Row, where we got coffee and rested up at the park near the marina. We thought about going to Santa Cruz, but decided against it since we had reached our limit for sightseeing for the day.

1 comment:

ghettohawg said...

hey, chck out av club's take on the upcoming season of terrible television. i think you were one of the writers. or shoulda been.

also, gimme some DNC takes. i've blocked all out.