Thursday, December 11, 2008

Do Y'Know What It Means When It Snows in New Orleans?

'Twas the 11th of December and a phone call awoke me. It was my friend J. Mellis, calling to surprise me about what was outside. But I paid no heed and slept on. 30 minutes later I awoke and turned my blinds to see snow falling. Great Heavens!

Aleks and I laughed at the weather report the night before which hinted that there might be snow, but this morning only Aleks laughed as she dressed quickly to frolic in the snow. It was her first time to wake up to snow. I was slightly dazed, yet I rushed to get my camera and was met with some freezing weather outside.

I'm glad we took these pictures because 20 minutes later the snowfall turned to rain. As Aleks said, "Now it's just gonna be all wet and yucky." In other words, typical New Orleans weather. Still, we were entertained the rest of that morning by watching news reports with pictures of palm trees and streetcars topped with snow.

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