Saturday, June 15, 2013

10th Day of Honeymoon: Prague (6/1)

Our second day in Prague, we headed over to the Prague Castle.  Early on we took pictures of the city, as we were elevated from walking up the interminable and slippery steps; and once we arrived, we were only able to take photos of St. Vitus church, since they were not allowing people inside. We did, however, go inside the Castle, where we first gazed upon Vladislav Hall, the coat of arms hall, St. Georges' Basilica, and walked down the Golden Lane. Once again, the rain was pouring, so it was difficult to take photos while carrying an umbrella.

After the castle and with the rain picking up, we caught the subway to the Museum of Communism, located next to a McDonald's and a casino. This museum was more simply laid out than the House of Terror, but it was also more informative, with its panels that included more than just politics, like space, sports, and shopping under communist rule. At the end, we refreshed our knowledge about the Velvet Revolution, which only occurred during 7 days, and upon leaving the museum, we ended up in Wenceslas Square, where mass demonstrations were held during the Revolution.
Following the museum, we lit out for dinner, and while the first place we found turned us away, presumably because they had an event, the second one took us and gave us some fine risotto and overcooked salmon. Advice: Avoid the fish in Eastern Europe. Still, the beer and wine were solid. After dinner, we walked down the national street and found our way to Cafe Louvre, where we had some nice dessert and the best cafe au lait I've had. With that, we scurried to find the nearest metro station in order to escape the rain.

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