Sunday, June 9, 2013

Second Day: Krakow (5/24)

On the second day, we headed to the train station to ride south for Krakow. After figuring out where our departure was (and that we had to pay to use the toilets in certain public places), we squeezed on the train to Budapest. The ride on the rails was uneventful, aside from meeting one compartment companion: a nice middle-aged man from Tokyo, who spoke English and was also visiting Krakow. Two days later, we would run into him again by chance in the Kazimierz district.

After checking into the nicer Chopin hotel, we headed out to the main square or Rynek Glowny and saw Saint Mary's Cathedral. We later ate at the Babci Maliny or "Raspberry Grandmother" where we ate pierogies family style. After that, we called it a night and passed out at 6 PM, as the jet lag set in.

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